Welcome to Winchcombe Gardening Club 

We are a friendly group which enjoys monthly talks, and visits to some of the best gardens in the area.  If you enjoy relaxed socials come and join us for pleasant evenings and local trips out in good company meeting enthusiastic and gifted garden speakers and hosts.   

About us 
We regularly attract 50 members to our meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at the Abbey Fields Community Centre in Back Lane, Winchcombe GL54 5QJ

  from 7pm for tea & coffee before our 7.30pm talks.  Visitors are always welcome.

Link to our Newsletters

Get to know us

Derek Thom, our Visits Organiser, keeps members up to date in our Newsletter. Discussions are underway for a visit to Brockworth Court in May.  Two options are being explored for June.  Details will be announced when known.  On 2nd July we shall visit Oak House in Gretton where there is a one-acre secret garden which has been developed over the past 30 years. Attractions include a lily pond, honeysuckle, philadelphus, and many varieties of roses.
Members visiting gardens are encouraged to share cars.  We aim to travel for no more than an hour. 

Talks arranged by Jane Stephenson, our Speaker Secretary, for the beginning of 2025:

2025 JANUARY 22nd We will 'travel' to South Africa in the new year to hear Dr Timothy Walker speak. His talk is entitled FROM DIAZ TO DIAMONDS.  The Western Cape region of South Africa is one of the most botanically diverse areas of the world. This talk takes a route from the southernmost tip of Africa to the border with Namibia looking at the plants and the ethnobotany of one of the most fascinating countries in the world.

 FEBRUARY 19th -  Richard Marshall Penstemons & the National Collection
Richard Marshall holds the National Collection of Penstemons and believe it or not is based in Bishop’s Cleeve!  He will be speaking about how he manages the Collection and a bit about Plant Heritage. He will also mention the Plant Guardian Scheme. 

MARCH 19th The Lost Gardener (The Life of TW Sanders Editor of Amateur Gardening)

 TW Sanders was the man who helped established Amateur Gardening remaining as its editor for 40 years.  David Cropp will speak about the Life of TW Sanders.  His talk will not 

 ‘death by overhead projection/slide shows” but will involve audience interaction. We shall see! 

Dates of future talks in 2025 are shown in our latest Newsletter.


 New members are always welcome. Philip Mason, our Membership Secretary, can advise on payment of membership subscription by cash/cheque, or online banking.  

Committee Members               (Std code 01242)

President  Jean Howell  0790 1830708 
Chair  Rob Stone 602384
Vice Chair John Pierce 603381

Secretary Patti Earl ---------------
Treasurer Phil Young 621410
Speaker Secretary Jane Stephenson 07836 297168
Membership Secretary Philip Mason  609185
Visits Organiser Derek Thom 07941 206603
Show Secretary Phil Young 621410
Publicity John Gerrard 602229
Equipment Officer Rex Butler 604874
Raffle Organisers Pam Andrews  602057 & Sue Chandler 604381          Archives Jean Howell  0790 1830708 


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